The meaning of the rings on the fingers

The meaning of rings on specific fingers

Would you like to assert your authority or show your allegiance through the placement of a ring on your hand? It is possible to express yourself through the way you wear your rings on your hand, even if certain codes tend to disappear in our society today. That's why it's important to remember the meaning of rings on different fingers so that these symbols remain revelant. This article will deal with :

  • On the historical importance of wearing a ring on the ring finger.
  • The meaning of the thumb ring for men and women.
  • What it means to wear a ring on your middle finger.
  • The meaning of a ring on the index finger.
  • The symbolic significance of a ring on the little finger.

The meaning of a ring on the ring finger

Customs vary around the world, but it is common knowledge that in the West, the ring finger is the finger of fidelity and marriage. In Canada, as in France, it is the ring finger of the left hand that receives the engagement ring and the wedding ring. In fact, the use of the term ring finger comes from the Latin annulus meaning ring, the same ring that is worn on this finger. When a man or woman wears the ring on the left ring finger, it is usually to signify that the marriage vows have been taken in a civil or religious manner. This tradition has been going on since ancient times when doctors were convinced that a vein connected the ring finger directly to the heart, a fact that is now denied. When worn on the ring finger of the right hand, the ring can imply that the person is already in a relationship with another person. However, don't jump to this conclusion if you want to approach someone. The ring finger on the right hand can simply be used to express our personality and show our taste in jewelry. Associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love in Greek mythology and Prithvi, the energy of the Earth in the Hindu religion, the ring finger is linked to love, stability and security.

The left hand of a woman adorned with engagement and wedding rings placed on that of a man adorned with a gold band above a wedding bouquet.
Close-up of a newlywed couple with the woman's left hand adorned with an engagement ring and a band wedding ring on her husband's shoulder.

The meaning of the thumb ring

The thumb is the strongest finger of the hand and its position away from the others gives it a certain independence. It is the finger that gives its agreement or displays its disapproval, a symbol widely used by social networks. Its great usefulness in gripping objects and its particular shape does not make it the best place to wear a ring, but the meaning of the thumb ring is not left out. Usually, the man wears his ring on the ring finger but when he allows himself another finger, the meaning of the thumb ring for the man is strength and virility. This one is often massive and thick to amplify its impact. Fashion phenomenon or not, some gay men have adopted the thumb ring to show their allegiance to the gay community and their difference in a stereotypical society. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to wear a thumb ring. This is because they generally wear more rings than men, but also because they like to show off their hands and express their creativity. The thumb ring for women means a certain independence and autonomy. Moreover, at one time, it seems that many women wore the thumb ring when they wanted to associate themselves with feminist groups. Associated with Poseidon, the solitary god of Greek mythology and Agni, the energy of fire in Hinduism, the thumb represents creativity, independence and strength.

A man's hand slips inside his shirt showing a band for men on the thumb


Thumbs and hearts come to life around a cell phone held by a person browsing social networks.
Ring Worthy of you - Jewelry Flamme en Rose


A man's hand slips inside his shirt showing a band for men on the thumb

The meaning of the ring on the middle finger

The middle finger is the longest finger on the hand. Also called medius, middle in Latin, it is the finger of ego and self-esteem. It is used to express anger and is sometimes referred to as obscene. Wearing a ring on the middle finger attracts attention and proclaims loudly one's desire to assert oneself. This is why young people are particularly fond of wearing them as part of their identity quest. The meaning of wearing a middle finger ring is therefore related to responsibility and empowerment. But you shouldn't look too far either. This beautiful, slender and long finger offers the possibility to wear one or more rings (stacking). Associated with Dionysus, the Greek god of celebration, and Akasha, the energy of heaven and space in the Hindu religion, the middle finger represents power and freedom from fear.

The meaning of the ring on the index finger

The index finger is the finger that indicates direction and orders silence. In Latin, index translates to list and when we speak of list, we imply structure and discipline. It was customary for kings, queens and people of high rank to wear a ring on the index finger to display their superiority. Until the 16th century, rings with the family coat of arms were placed there. The meaning of wearing a ring on the index finger is the desire to dominate and lead others. This is more or less true today? We agree with you, but you have to take responsibility if you wear a ring on your index finger. It will certainly have an effect. Associated with Zeus, no less than the king of the gods in Greek mythology and Vayu, the energy of the wind in Hinduism, the index finger is the finger of authority and leadership.

The meaning of the ring on the little finger

Commonly called the little finger, the little finger comes from the Latin auricularis which means of the ear. It is so named because it is the only finger that can be inserted in the ear. In the Middle Ages, warriors wore their signet ring on it and today, gangsters use it to display their criminal allegiance. On a more positive note, Canadian engineers wear their hammered iron ring as a symbol of their commitment to the profession. The pinky finger is said to serve as a guide and conscience, hence the expression "my pinky told me so". The meaning of wearing a ring on the little finger is listening and openness towards others. The little finger is associated with Ares, god of war in Greek mythology and Jala, the energy of water in Hinduism. The little finger is the finger of intuition and emotional intelligence.

A hand placed on a white garment wears a ring with sapphire and diamonds on the index.
A hand placed on a gift carries a series of rings stacked on the middle finger.
A reflective man holds his hand to his chin, displaying a signet ring with a black spinel on the little finger of his right hand.

The meaning of rings on the right and left hand

The right hand is said to be the hand of action and power. If you reflexively put a ring on your right hand, it could mean that your masculine side is more developed, showing strength and fighting spirit. On the other hand, the left hand is the feminine side, oriented towards love, altruism and intuition. Have you ever noticed which of your two hands has more jewelry?

At Flamme en rose we like to make connections between things, to understand the jewels we wear and to find particular meanings in them. It's our little feminine side. It's normal since we are the first women to have founded a high-end jewelry boutique in Quebec. We have rings for all budgets, all fingers and all tastes. We are passionate about our work as jewelers and we love to share this passion with everyone we meet. 

Book an online consultation with one of our jewellers today.